Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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Converting Markdown Headers to Checklist

For those times when you write out a long markdown document that you want to convert to a checklist.

Converting Markdown Headers to Checklist


response = []
with open("sample.md") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("#"):
          indentation = line.count("#") - 1
          newline = f"{' ' * 2 * indentation}- [ ]{line.replace('#', '')}"

with open("checklist.md", "w") as f:


const fs = require("fs");

function MarkdownHeadersToChecklist(markdown) {
  const lines = markdown.split("\n");
  const headers = lines.filter((line) => line.startsWith("#"));
  let checklist = [];
  for (const header of headers) {
    const indentation = header.split("#").length - 1;
    const spacer = " ".repeat(2 * indentation);
    const newline = `${spacer}- [ ]${header.replace("#", "")}`;
  return checklist.join("\n");

const markdown = fs.readFileSync("sample.md", "utf8");

const checklist = MarkdownHeadersToChecklist(markdown);

fs.writeFileSync("checklist.md", checklist);

Converting Markdown Headers to Checklist

Tags: python nodejs javascript markdown howto
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