Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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Annotated History of My Most Used Shell Commands


An oldie, but a goodie. This time I annotate it with reasons as to why things are used so much. If you blog, post your own!

For reference, anything after a "#" is an annotation. :

$ history | awk '{a[$2]++ } END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}'|sort -rn |head -n 20
166 git     # I am a software developer.
138 make    # Building the book takes 5 to 8 commands depending on format.
68 touch    # Readying the book for kindle requires adding a lot of new files.
51 python   # I am a Python developer and often use the shell.
21 open     # Opening PDFs and Mobi to see how the book build works.
12 rm       # I hate bad files.
10 cd       # Intrigued that this isn't higher.
9 kindled/kindlegen # Converting the book to .mobi format.
7 heroku    # Support for clients.
6 vim       # Sometimes I use it to keep my street cred up.
5 bpython   # I like this shell.
3 source    # Activating virtualenv without virtualenvwrapper. Long story...
3 cp        # Files need to be copied, right?
3 gondor    # More client support.
2 import    # I have no idea.
1 wget      # Fetching files from the internets.
1 pip       # More client support.
1 ls        # How is this not higher?
1 ssh       # Some projects are not on PaaS.

Interesting how much of my very recent shell experience is focused on the book.

Speaking of books, today's reading is Jeff Knupp's Writing Idiomatic Python 3.3 (Python 2.7 edition also available)

Tags: python twoscoops book
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