Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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I love this girl!

This was originally posted on blogger here.

In every person's life there are those incredibly memorable experiences that stick with you forever. The entirety of PyCon 2010 is for me that experience. You see, PyCon 2010 saw me introduced to the lovely, talented, and brilliant Audrey Roy.

Moments after I heard her lovely voice for the first time, we looked into each other's eyes. After that moment, I spent every waking moment of the conference finding excuses to spend time with her. Fortunately for me, most of her tastes for talks and social events matched my own. Within days we were [dancing in each other's arms](https://www.flickr.com/photos/pydanny/4404666820/).
2010-02-20 23.21.30
By the end of the PyCon we both knew we had something special. So after the conference [we both flew](https://www.flickr.com/photos/pydanny/sets/72157623798861723/) [back and forth](https://www.flickr.com/photos/pydanny/sets/72157623641835532/) [across the country](https://www.flickr.com/photos/pydanny/sets/72157623923236848/) [every two weeks](https://www.flickr.com/photos/pydanny/sets/72157623929276286/) for months to keep seeing each other. My phone bill skyrocketed. I became intimately familiar with [Skype](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skype). It was crazy and magnificent. Finally, on May 5th of 2010 I moved out West to be with her for good.

Audrey may seem shy at first, but she has a fierce heart (FYI, she played Ice Hockey for years and did the bargaining for my car). She has a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT. She supports me in everything I want to do. If you enjoy Django Packages and follow Open Comparison, she came up with the idea. We cook and eat healthy, and besides our differences on seafood/mac-and-cheese we are a food match. She loves my family and they adore her. She is a talented visual artist in any medium she attempts. As a developer, she learns unbelievably fast and produces high quality code in languages such as Python, C++, JavaScript, Objective-C, and anything else she touches. She hacks the Linux kernel so she can use her preferred peripherals. Her role in the technical community continually grows, and recently she launched the PyLadies advocacy group.

Airborne girlfriend!
An incredible thing about Audrey is that she makes me a better person. I didn't see this at first, but my good friend and mentor [Steve Holden](https://twitter.com/holdenweb) pointed it out. She doesn't just bring me joy, she makes me a more tenacious, honest, and compassionate person.

Life is never perfect, but thanks to Audrey and the Python community that brought us together, life is just plain good.

1 comments captured from original post on Blogger

Yugal Jindle said on 2012-05-12

You guys.. are really living life :)

Tags: pycon family personal legacy-blogger
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