Daniel Roy Greenfeld

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

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Next time I'll read the label

This was originally posted on blogger here.

So Saturday I get to the gym at around 9am. I plan to be there until 3pm. Unfortunately for the world I left my deodorant at home. So I raid someone else's unlocked locker and find a stick. I apply to my underarms and then check the label to see what brand.

The brand is Icy-Hot.

Which heats up on the skin.

I figure I'll be okay. I mean, its nice on sore muscles and stuff, so it should be okay in my armpits. It feels warm but I'm not bad off.

. . .

60 seconds I'm in the bathroom frantically rubbing the burning stuff off using wet paper towels and trying not to howl in anguish.

1 comments captured from original post on Blogger

Unknown said on 2008-04-11

They probably left it there on purpose, because they were sick of someone stealing their deodorant all of the time.

Tags: gym legacy-dannygreenfeld
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